....Paola Cattaneo: Architetto..Paola Cattaneo: Architect..Paola Cattaneo: Architekt....
….Paola progettata edifici residenziali, commerciali, religiosi e sportivi, oltre ad interventi di restauro conservativo di edifici storici civili e religiosi.
Nel dicembre 2011 è stata nominata “Chartered Architect” presso il RIBA, The Royal Institute of British Architects di Londra.
In addition to the conservative restoration of civil and religious historians buildings, Paola designed residential, commercial, religious and sports building.
In December 2011, she was named "Chartered Architect" at the RIBA, The Royal Institute of British Architects in London.
Paola entwarf Wohn-, Gewerbe-, Religions- und Sportgebäude sowie die konservative Restaurierung historischer ziviler und religiöser Gebäude.
Im Dezember 2011 wurde sie am RIBA, dem Royal Institute of British Architects in London, zur "Chartered Architect" ernannt.
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